5 Effective ways to save water while doing household chores

Prevent your utilities bill from skyrocketing – here’s how to save water at home.

Limit the soap and water while washing dishes

According to PUB, the demand for water in Singapore is currently about 430 million gallons a day, with homes consuming almost half this amount. Taking into consideration the demand for water and the proposed 30% increase in water bill in Singapore, it’s time to start thinking about saving water to keep your consumption low. Simple things, such as the method you use to wash the dishes, do the laundry or water your plants, can make all the difference in the amount of water you use.

Singapore’s online marketplace for home services, Helpling, has come up with 5 practical ways you can consume less water while you get your daily household chores done. Head up to the gallery and start taking notes!

This post was brought to you by Helpling.

Photos: Getty Images

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Marie France Asia, women's magazine