Stop Complaining: Our guide for living without complaint!

updated the 12 June 2014 à 21:18

To attack the whole world at the slightest bit of frustration is always harmful. How can we change? We ask the experts for advice.

family father mother daughter dispute screaming silhouette

“I’m done!” “I’ve had enough!”, “I’m fed up!” Those of you who have not uttered any of these phrases in the last twenty-four hours, raise a hand please. Hey, nobody. Normal. If grumbling has become a mode to face any obstacle, and the littlest unexpected thing thrown in our path, it is especially because today’s world pushes us more than enough. All at the same time, women are asked to be beautiful, dynamic, efficient, organized and mature enough to juggle everything – without complaining, what other ways do we have to make ourselves heard?

The only problem – grousing about your situation never changes anything. Even worse – “In grumbling all the time, we pick at our own misfortune. As a result of brooding and grumbling, we give our frustrations opportunity to invade our lives,” says Christine Lewicki, a personal development trainer. From whence comes the idea of getting rid of this evil inclination to finally live more serenely. How? Repack your sighs – all you have to do is to make the resolution and stick to it.’

Stephanie Torre

Our report on living without complaint:

How to live harmoniously at work?

How to live in society without complaint?

How to live peacefully with your family?

Stop Complaining: 9 Ways to stop!

Stop Complaining: 3 good reasons to quit!

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Marie France Asia, women's magazine