10 Interesting facts you didn’t know about Kuala Lumpur

Kuala Lumpur means "muddy confluence"

Kuala Lumpur is more than just a city filled with contemporary architecture and great food.

Kuala Lumpur, or KL as it is commonly called, is one of the fastest growing metropolitan cities in Southeast Asia, having played host to many international events such as the Commonwealth Games and Formula One. It is an urban city and one of the hottest tourist spots in the world, offering a variety of sights and a whole lot of food to whet your appetite.

Don’t let the facade of modern infrastructure and current trends fool you – KL is a place teeming with history that has played its part in making this city what it is today. Head on up to our gallery to read all about some interesting and entertaining facts about this place, then impress your friends with the new knowledge you’ve gained!

Dione Chen

Photos: Getty Images

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