Our top 5 primers for summer!

updated the 6 October 2015 à 23:59
Touch in Sol

Make sure your makeup stays put all day – despite the heat with our pick of primers.

As the sun begins to get really, really hot, it becomes harder for our face makeup to stay in place all day-without sweating off or getting sticky and uncomfortable. Which is why primers are essential in our beauty routine especially during the summer.

Just before applying the foundation, a primer smoothes the skin’s surface to create an even canvas for the perfect foundation- but, that’s not all. Foundation primers act as a skin barrier, ensuring that your face makeup lasts all day-even when the weather is hot and humid.

Whatever your skin type (normal, dry, combination or oily) there are hundreds of foundation primers on the market for you to try. However, to make your life a little easier, we’ve rounded up a list of our top 5 holy grail primers that you’ll need to have this summer.

Shannon Gallagher

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