Combat your hair woes with Svenson’s all-new Hair Retention System


Restore your hair to its youthful state with this latest release from Svenson.

Our hair shows the first signs of damage – due to factors such as lack of proper hair care, weather, or even genetics. This goes for even the healthiest of hair as the strands regularly go through mending and breakage to regenerate new strands. To help you combat such hair care challenges, Svenson has released its brand new Hair Retention System.

This system helps to not only restore your hair to its luscious and healthy state but it can also be used on hair that has been dyed often. Doesn’t it get frustrating when your fresh coat of colour starts to dull after a few washes? Not to mention how it makes your hair appear dry and coarse. The Hair Retention System consists of a range of products – Hydration, Thickening, and Deep Cleansing, to target certain hair issues, as well as Intensive Care and Styling products for after-care. Each of these ranges have been created to cater to different hair care users.

What makes the Hair Retention System different?

What makes the system different from others is the use of 2 key ingredients. The first being sunflower seed extract, which helps to shield the hair from the sun’s damaging effects, and second being Hexapeptide II, which helps to improve the health of hair follicles in order to prevent hair loss. Ultimately, each range will help to undo the damage accumulated from day-to-day stresses such as heat styling and pollution, to name a few.

Head over to the gallery above for a round-up of shampoo and conditioning products in the Hair Retention System to consider for your healthy hair needs today.

Perin Sidhu


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