What beauty products should we refrigerate?

updated the 6 October 2015 à 23:15
First Aid Beauty

We are told that storing our beauty products in the fridge helps prolong and improve their usage and shelf life. Here are the key items which would do better with a little refrigeration.

What do you when you don’t want food to go bad? You stick it in the fridge. It is an instinctual way to prolong the lifespan of your perishables. So why shouldn’t you do the same with your beauty products?

There are a few things such as powders and eyeshadows that you should not be refrigerating as the moisture would ruin your makeup. But there are some that get better with refrigeration like eye creams and face masks. Of course, you shouldn’t be using expired products on your face even if they are refrigerated.

Keep cool and carry on.


To instantly de-puff your eyes in the morning, dab on eye cream that’s been sitting the the fridge overnight. The cold constricts your blood vessels and helps reduce puffiness around the eyes quickly.


For particularly hot days, placing your face mask in the fridge an hour before can provide cooling relief. If you have irritated skin, the coolness can help soothe the symptoms.


Most of us leave our perfumes conveniently on our dressing tables but with the heat and moisture in the air in Singapore, the quality and lifespan of your favourite eau de parfum might be shortened. Placing it in the fridge inside a zip lock bag can help protect the integrity of your scent.


If you have a partially unused bottle of sunblock, you should chuck it in the fridge as heat actually breaks down the efficiency of the SPF. Plus the cool sunblock can soothe the skin if you have a slight sunburn from the day before.


Place your eyeliner in the freezer for 20 minutes before use as the tip can be sharpened with precision after that. Thus, your lines would be neater and less smudgy.


If you’re reaching for the aloe vera gel, you probably have sunburn. Imagine the cold gel hitting your skin and relieving you of the sting and heat of sunburn. Oh yeah.

Cheryl Lee

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