Pesky Problems: What are milia seeds and how do you get rid of them?

Warning: The worse thing you could do is remove them yourself.


Have you ever come across bumps around your eyes that are bigger than whiteheads yet aren’t red and sore like pimples? Those are milia seeds, little kernels of oil and keratin that have hardened and formed bumps on the surface of your skin.

Though not as widely known as pimples and blackheads, milia seeds are very common. Unfortunately, these nasty little blemishes can be quite persistent.

Milia seeds are formed when skin cells get trapped underneath the surface of your skin. They usually appear around the eye but can appear on other parts of the face, like on cheeks and around the nose.

Knowing what causes them is a vital part to treating them, after all prevention is better than cure. These pesky little bumps are caused by poor sun protection, lack of exfoliation and using creams that are too rich for your skin. If you’re guilty of any of these cardinal beauty sins, be sure to rectify it before its too late.

How to get rid of them?

While prevention is all well and good, what can you do when you already have these stubborn bumps on your skin? The most important thing is to not tackle the problem on your own.

Unlike whiteheads and blackheads, milia seeds are extremely difficult to remove. Not to mention painful, especially when it’s around the delicate eye area. Even if you manage to squeeze the life out of your skin and evict the unwanted tenant, you’ll be left with scars that are more difficult to treat.

The best way to deal with milia seeds is to seek out the services of an expert. Visit a dermatologist or a trusted facialist that can advise you professionally on treating the issue. Going to an expert means having the proper equipment and skills to treat your skin with minimal negative side effects.

 Amanda Lim

Photo: Getty Images

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