The Big Blow: Hair styling and makeup service at your doorstep

updated the 12 June 2014 à 21:43

Get pampered at home, in the office or at your hotel with this newly-launched beauty and hair styling service in Singapore.

The Big Blow Singapore PR head

It is the day of a big event and you want to look your very best – you even have the perfect outfit to go. The problem? You don’t have the time to hop from the hair salon to the make-up artist to the nail parlour, to complement it. Well, ladies, fret no more! The Big Blow is a service that has been created to solve this very problem – that too, all in one go!

Singapore’s female majority, who often complain about the lack of high quality services catering to in-home beauty needs that save time and create a guaranteed ‘perfect look’, can look no further. Clients can book an appointment with The Big Blow, and they will come swiftly to wherever you are to do your hair and create the perfect ‘up-do’ or ‘side-sweep’ (whatever you’d prefer), whether it is your home or office. In addition to making you have hair like Bridget Bardot, The Big Blow does your make-up and if you need, they’ll throw in an express nails service too – all in the minimum amount of time.

If you’re at all worried about the quality of the service, you needn’t be, as all of The Big Blow’s technicians have at least five years’ of experience in hair styling or make up under their belt. To further reassure you, they are then personally trained in The Big Blow’s signature styles by founder Ellie Sakrzewski, who has had more than 20 years of experience in the industry herself, ensuring that clients are promised nothing but the best.

So now you can look like a million dollars, anytime, anywhere! So why wait? Book your appointment now.

The Big Blow is available island-wide in Singapore. Appointments can be booked up to four hours in advance.

Diya-Maya Tsering Bhalla

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