Dark & Devilish: 30 most stylish movie villains of all time

Harley Quinn - Suicide Squad

Mysterious, cruel, terrifying … sometimes even funny or sexy, these bad guys all have one thing in common: an unforgettable style!


Al Pacino in Scarface, Daniel Day-Lewis as Bill the Butcher in Gangs of New York… the wicked can definitely do it in style! Impeccable costumes, carefully selected accessories, close cuts and shaves… they almost seem nothing like terrifying figures of evil. Also joining the ranks of the most elegant wicked witch of all is Miranda Priestly, the tyrannical editor-in-chief in The Devil Wears Prada, who exudes vibes borrowed from another nasty villain who enjoys fur coats…


Cruella de Vil definitely makes the list without too much difficulty. With her unconventional style and scary attitude, she makes one of the top 10 iconic villains of the big screen. Darker still, we have Darth Vader and the reptilian Voldemort, as well as the cape-wearing Dracula. Their cinematographic performances will stick in our minds forever. Let’s not forget the ones in fairytales who have rocked our childhoods, like the Wicked Queen from Snow White or the Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland. Sassy indeed.


When wickedness mixes with madness, we are given unforgettable characters whose creators have taken care to play on style disorders. The terrible Alex DeLarge of Clockwork Orange, or the version of the Joker played by the late Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight… Others are likely to soon invade our screens, especially with the anticipated release of Suicide Squad. Fans are already excited about the colourful character (in every sense) Harley Quinn.


Catherine Trammel in Basic Instinct, Poison Ivy in Batman , or Gail from Sin City… The roles of evil characters played by women have often inspired filmmakers to turn them into seductive baddies blinded by their quest for power and sex.

Liisa Sarfati

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