Get Fit: What to consider when shopping for gym clothes?

updated the 6 October 2015 à 22:53
Monreal London

Shopping for gym wear isn’t the same as daily wear. Find out how to burn calories in style with the right fitness apparel.

Singapore is undergoing something of a fitness revolution. The fitness scene here almost rivals those of food and shopping, and judging by the increase in new workout studios and the popularity of all-encompassing fitness apps like GuavaPass, it seems like there is a genuine interest to stay fit and healthy on the part of Singaporeans.

Whether you’re into yoga, boxing, running or cycling, we’ve done the legwork for you and compiled useful tips every exercise fanatic should know when it comes to shopping for fitness apparel.

After all, gym gear that’s both fashionable and functional gives us that much more motivation to head to the gym and work up a sweat!


Even if you know your size, fitness apparel is not something you shop for online. You’ve got to head to the store and try it on for yourself to see if you’re comfortable in it. Bend, stretch and walk around to see if you can actually work out in the outfit without chaffing or splitting seams.


Cotton is a popular choice for its ability to absorb sweat but if you’re a gym regular, you’re going to want a moisture-wicking fabric like a cotton and nylon blend that will help you keep cool at the same time. If you’re into yoga, pilates or other stretching exercises, spandex will allow for freedom of body movements without feeling any constraint.


Everybody wants to look flattering at the gym but what you look for in your daily wear might differ from gym wear altogether. If you want to look slim, go for tops that cut in at the waist and dual coloured pants with seams that hug the sides of your butt. If you’re naturally curvy, opt for boot-cut pants to balance your hips proportionately.


Black will always be a slimming colour but consider opting for colourful side panels in your gym wear to make your appear even narrower.


It’s ok to wear your favourite loose T-Shirt to the gym but sleeveless tops are far more comfortable and allow for more freedom of movement without chafing, especially if you’re boxing and doing arm exercises. Sleeveless tees will also not trap moisture against your body when you perspiring so you’ll be able to cool down faster. Avoid T-Shirts with dazzling embellishments or tags lest they hinder your movements and rub in uncomfortable places.

Karen George

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