Say Oishii: 10 Drool-worthy chirashi-dons to have in Singapore

updated the 12 October 2015 à 16:25

Before you salivate over the thought of a big bowl of sashimi and rice, check out our top picks of chirashi!

It is easy to see the appeal of chirashi. Overflowing with a colourful variety of fish, chirashi-dons are probably one of the most visually stunning dishes in the world. There is also something so hearty and homey about eating off a great big bowl.

A chirashi-don is a Japanese rice bowl that is layered with warm Japanese pearl rice and slices of sashimi. While it may sound straightforward, chirashi-dons are more than just slicing up fish and plonking it down on a bed of rice.

The reason why not all chirashi-dons are created equal is that it is a fairly technical dish. Freshness is paramount in the creation of chirashi, as is the slicing skill of the master.

The sashimi must be sliced just right, even a slight too much or too little can make a startling difference. While you might think that this is a cold dish, the rice actually has to be served warm to contrast the cool fish. It retrospect, the perfect bowl of chirashi is all about balance.

To get you started, we’ve rounded up 10 of our favourite chirashi dons across the island.

Amanda Lim

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