Sugar High: 5 Over-the-top milkshakes your dentist will disapprove of

updated the 16 November 2015 à 10:02
Cake Spade

Do you have a sinister sweet tooth that’s hard to satisfy? We’re sure these hybrid dessert drinks will.

Is it a beverage or a dessert? We’ll have to say they are both. These over-the-top monster milkshakes aren’t your average chocolate shake. They are piled to the top with cookies, chocolate, candy floss, and everything else made that a witch would use to build her gingerbread house.

Rest assured, these opulent hybrids aren’t a ploy, and genuinely do exist despite their unbelievable appearances. Such milkshakes are currently all the rage on social media, and who can deny them the place when they are just so darn pretty. In fact, some of them are so good-looking it feels like a shame to want to devour them.

Like traditional milkshakes, these are made with ice cream and milk blended together before being showered with sweet treats. Think of them as the Milo Godzilla of milkshakes. Before you start salivating over your keyboard, head over to our gallery to check out five places where you can get your hands on these milkshakes on steroids.

Don’t tell your dentist!

Amanda Lim

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