Females and Food: How does eating affect female desire?

updated the 19 August 2015 à 14:33

Science is backing up what we always knew: women need to be wined and dined for a romantic response.

They say the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach but it looks like men aren’t the only ones with a monopoly on food and being well-fed. If the latest findings from researchers at the University of California, San Diego are anything to go by, it looks like a well satiated woman is also a woman who’s more likely to respond to romance.

Led by author and postdoctoral fellow Alice Ely, the study examined how women’s brains responded to images of fatty foods on an empty stomach and full stomach and found that a past history of diets or no diets did influence brain activation patterns differently.

20 young women of average weight were recruited for the study. Half of the group had dieted twice in their life while the other half hadn’t. All of the women fasted for eight hours before researchers sent them into an fMRI scanner, where the women viewed romantic pictures, like a couple holding hands, and neutral images, like a bowling ball. They were then given 500 calories of a meal-replacement drink and sent back into the scanner with a full stomach. This time, the women proved more responsive to romantic cues.

Long story short, it’s hard for a woman (or anyone) to pay attention to anything else, especially frivolous things like romance when hunger has hijacked all your senses and your growling stomach is urging you to feed it now! And once satiated, a woman is more likely to be in the mood for romance.

So guys, take note, it’s time to wine and dine your lady!

Karen George


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