Coming Clean: 5 Foods that might be causing your breakouts

updated the Tuesday, June 28, 2016

You don’t just need to know what to eat for healthy skin, but what not to eat as well.

Acne is a real problem, not only during puberty, but also years after that, on a totally random day when you’re preparing to go out to meet your best girl friends, and you spot a huge, ugly zit forming on your nose. Makeup can only get you so far to conceal those cursed blemishes on your face, but when topical creams cease to work, what else can you do to stop your skin from breaking out?

There have been several scientific studies on whether the food you eat can indeed reduce or worsen the condition of the skin. Surprisingly, researchers haven’t been able to come to a conclusive standpoint on what kind of foods make or break the cut. However, there are thankfully a few theories and results that show certain people react to particular trigger foods, and these findings may be able to save your skin too.

In our gallery are 5 of the most common culprits that others have discovered play a huge role in the cause of their acne outbreaks. We recommend avoiding one type of food for about a week, then checking to see if it is indeed the root of the matter. Spread the word, and let us know what works for you! For all you know, what helps you might just benefit others as well.

Dione Chen

Photos: Getty Images

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Marie France Asia, women's magazine