Bulk Up: 8 High-carb foods that are actually good for you

updated the Monday, May 16, 2016

Not all carb-loaded foods are created equal. From kidney beans to sweet potatoes, find out what you should be eating instead of your usual staples.

Carbohydrates have been given a bad reputation lately. With the rise in popularity of high-protein and low-carb diets, foods high in carbohydrates get blamed for being a poor source of nutrition as well as a major cause of weight gain. The truth is, there are actually plenty of highly nutritious high-carb foods available that you can use in place of regular filler staples.

Did you know that eating carbs can boost your mood? Also, fibre is an indigestible complex carb that can help you feel fuller for longer – eating low GI foods like oats and whole grains can help you eat less and thus trim your waistline.

Basically, the idea is to eat the right kind of carbs. Head up to the gallery above to see which high-carb foods are actually good for you. Make the right food swaps today.

Angela Goh

Photos: Getty Images

Read more:

Belly Busters: 10 Foods that cause your tummy to bloat

Bulk Down: 10 Simple ways to reduce your calorie intake

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