Relationship: How to overcome infidelity?

updated the 6 October 2015 à 23:38
How to overcome infidelity?

When someone in a relationship has had an affair, a tricky question often arises: “Can we love each other again after that?” Dr Christophe Fauré answers “Yes”. Despite the obstacles, the promise of a stronger union can be kept.

The day the affair surfaces, we tend to lose all hope and trust in the relationship. Whether we are the “offender” or “the victim”, in matter of infidelity, the judgment is the same – suddenly, everything seems to fall apart. War is declared against a background of shame and sorrow. Then, over time, comes disappointment, fear, guilt and so on, before the inevitable breakup. Fortunately, there isn’t always a separation. In spite of this huge crisis in the relationship, is there any chance of reconciliation and starting over? For the specialist, it is obvious that when the climate of war has dissipated a little, the question of trying again is worth consideration. Not because of morals, but simply because many of his patients showed that it was possible to overcome this crisis. And it can even end up with a positive revival in the relationship. That is, provided you take your time and follow these seven steps.

Stéphanie Torre

Read more on our ‘Infidelity’ report:

Infidelity: Understand why it happened to overcome adultery
Infidelity: Rebuild desire after adultery
Infidelity: Forgive to overcome adultery
Infidelity: Resume everyday life to save the relationship
Infidelity: Be attentive to your relationship
Infidelity: Restore confidence in your relationship
Infidelity: Know how to re-establish communication to overcome adultery

Marie France Asia, women's magazine