Testimonies: the feng shui of love…does it really work?

updated the 11 June 2014 à 22:50

To spice up their marriage, many people have wanted to try out feng shui. Read on to discover their verdict…

feng shui love

Generally a pragmatic person, I did the test myself, by placing two small braided hearts and a watercolour painting of two love parrots in the right side of my room. I actually found a quite the Disneyland effect in my marriage. How much does auto-suggestion play a part in the story? I’ll let you judge. Curious, I asked for volunteers to test out some feng shui rituals. And, really, there were some surprises.

Charlotte, 46, in full marital crisis, tested out the red envelope ritual. A red card requesting the return of her husband (who had been unfaithful) was slipped into a crimson envelope and placed in the love zone of her bedroom. She must have also deployed certain other non-feng shui related charms, because she managed to get off on a fresh start after some time.

Virginia, 49, a widow of eight years, removed the cluttered images of her children squatting in the wall of her love zone, and replaced it with a picture of herself and her new boyfriend. Coincidence perhaps, but he just asked for her hand in marriage.

Nathalie, 39, had broken up for the third time in the course of one summer. One evening, she put a postcard a couple of dolphins jumping over the waves (not approved in feng shui) on her nightstand. The next day, at dawn, who creepily slinks into her bed but her ex-boyfriend! A week later, I read that dolphins are specialists in gang rape. Therefore take caution with these creatures, you should only rely on reliable values.

Florence, 36, who had a picture of an Indian chief hanging on the wall to scare away the partridges, put in place a table covered with six small hearts. Since there were six, her ex telephoned her the following weekend.

Fabienne, 31, had done everything right for her love life: a silver vase composed of two entwined hearts and filled with artificial white flowers. It was all good, except for the dust. She therefore cleaned the flowers and polished the vase. And lo and behold! – a childhood friend she really liked (though no longer) invited her to a restaurant, where he made moony eyes as he confessed that he had been hiding at the bus stop in the mornings to watch  her board bus number 92 since 1992.

Laurence Cochet

Read more from our report “The feng shui of love”: 

The Expert’s Opinion: The feng shui of love… “Proceed in small steps”

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