Body Goals: 6 Malaysian fitness gurus to follow on Instagram

Get inspired to keep fit by following these 6 Malaysian fitness gurus on Instagram!

6 Malaysian fitness gurus to follow on Instagram

We all desire a body that warrants a ‘#goals’ hashtag. But let’s face it – trying to stay motivated to stick to your fitness routine is not easy. On days you feel less inspired to get on the treadmill and eat clean (we all have them), opting for extra hours of sleep or a juicy hamburger instead of going for a morning workout and having a salad wins every time. Which is why following Instagram fitness gurus on your social media can be such a huge boost in motivating to you to stick to your fitness routine!

You may have heard of (or are already following) popular Instagram fitness gurus from world-over like Kayla Istines and Jen Selter, but did you know that Malaysia has its very own social media fitness community? These girls are absolutely sculpted and toned to perfection, regularly post motivating workout videos and quotes, and also share their favourite post-workout meals and gym attire. Check them out in our gallery above!

Sarah Khan

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