Schoolyard Tactics: 5 Skills that will help your child stand up to bullies

updated the 24 January 2017 à 11:40

Bullying in the schoolyard, whether mild or serious, can severely impact your child’s self-esteem and behaviour.

Use your body language to your advantage

It could be a case of occasional teasing or name-calling, which could start out playful and harmless, but may eventually evolve into something unkind, hurtful, and constant. It could be physical bullying, which could escalate into fights and lead to much more than just emotional scars. Or it could simply be rumour-spreading and gossip, which could lead to your child becoming depressed and afraid to attend classes each day.

Let’s face it: kids can be brutal, and bullying is not an uncommon thing. The best thing to do to lower your chances of your child being picked on in school is to arm them with a set of proactive skills that will allow them to feel capable of standing up to bullies. Do reinforce the notion that the act of bullying is essentially anti-social, unpleasant behaviour and that he or she should never “fight fire with fire”.

Head up to the gallery to find out the ways in which you can teach your child to stand up to bullies. These skills may come in handy, even as your child enters his or her adolescent and teenage years.

Angela Goh

Photos: Getty Images

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