Seoul Fashion Week FW15: 10 Hair trends straight from the runway

updated the 6 October 2015 à 23:15
Mag N Logan FW15

Who says Asian hair always has to be boring? We take a peek backstage from the runways in Seoul for the trendiest of hairdos to adopt.

We were lucky to get a sneak peek backstage at the gorgeous models who were prepping for the runways at Seoul Fashion Week and we definitely liked what we saw.

Proving that Asian hair is not only relegated to pin straight hairstyles, the week saw models with innovative styles that ranged from classy waves and low ponytails to dip-dyed ends and crimped hair.

Will these be the next hairdos for the season? We believe so! Or at least one permutation or another will show up on a Korean star real soon, and the rest of Asia will closely follow suit.

SFW’s notable mentions for unique hairdos and breathtaking outfits include Enzuvan, Lie and the colourful and youthful Mag n Logan.

We will definitely be taking notes for our next trip to the salon!

Cheryl Lee

Photos: Seoul Fashion Week

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Marie France Asia, women's magazine