Rain, Rain, Go Away: 10 Things to do in Singapore on a rainy day

Bond over board games

There are plenty of things you can do in Singapore even when the weather is being uncooperative.

We’ve all had those days we plan in advance to enjoy a nice, outdoor activity in sunny Singapore – picnic at the Botanic Gardens, walk along Quayside Isle, suntan at a Sentosa beach… and then it rains. You wait a while to see if the rain will stop, but, when it doesn’t, you reluctantly call up your friends to tell them that plans are cancelled, and you lie on your bed stuck at home the whole day. Sounds terrible, right?

With the upcoming monsoon season, this scenario seems very likely to occur for many of us. However, we are here to tell you that this need not be the case. There are lots of things to do in Singapore that doesn’t depend on the weather at all – yes, apart from watching a movie! To prove this, we’ve come up with a list of affordable and fun activities that you can organise or use as a back-up plan when the sky looks like it’s about to cry.

Now, you’ll have no reason to lament about the weather or blame it for ruining your plans.

Dione Chen

Photos: Getty Images

Read more:

Rain-friendly fashion: What to wear when it’s wet?

10 Places to eat without stepping outdoors to the haze

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Marie France Asia, women's magazine