Nature’s Medicine: Fight against palpitations with marjoram essential oil

If your heart tends to race under the effect of stress, marjoram essential oil is a very effective remedy.


This is the essential oil ideal for when one is about to face stage fright, before speaking in a meeting, before making a grand return to the office or before taking an exam. In short, this natural wonder is there to support us in cases of both minor and major stress. It contains monoterpene alcohols, chemical compounds (that are natural) that act on the nervous system and soothe the manifestations of anxiety. It thus calms not only the heart rate and blood pressure, but also climbing heart beats as a result of stress, or the tightness and pain in the stomach.


Apply 2 drops of essential oil of marjoram to your wrists and breathe it in deeply. One can also inhale the essential oil out of the bottle. Also remember to sit with feet well on the ground when inhaling, and exhale slowly out of your stomach for a few minutes to regain maximum serenity. Alternatively, submit two pure essential oil drops of marjoram to the solar plexus and massage it in 2-3 times a day in order to reduce the anxiety that can cause tachycardia.

It is essential to check whether you have any cardiac rhythm disorders, which are common, or if you feel unwell, have pain in the chest, or associated fever.

Maureen Diament and Nur Syazana H.


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