Breaking up: “Our lives drifted apart without me noticing”

updated the 14 July 2015 à 18:33

Sylvia, 50 years old, caretaker, divorced, two children, dumped without warning.


“I had the good life, living as an expat in Guiana. Marc and I had known each other since adolescence, so it’s obvious that I didn’t have a lot of experience with men. He was the driving force of our relationship; he was the charismatic leader and I was the wife who followed him. He worked a lot and I was at home, so our lives drifted apart without me noticing. We saw each other less, spoke to each other less and didn’t make love very often, but I was OK with the situation. When he asked me to go home with the children, for the studies of our elder son, I agreed. In reality, he cheated on me with a Brazilian girl with whom he hurried to make a child with as soon as I was on the plane back home. I was a little worried when the situation continued, as Marc found no reason to get closer to us or for us to return to Guiana. But he reassured me with, “It’s going to be OK, don’t worry”. Of course, he came for Christmas and for Easter. My brother tried to warn me, he had seen the signs. But I am a passive and dependent person, and I saw everything through Marc’s eyes. When he told me the truth, during his last visit, I was extremely shocked. I felt guilty for believing his lies all this time. From his actions, it was obvious that he had already broken up with me emotionally a long time ago.”

Read more in our “breakup” report:

Breaking up: Dumped without warning
Breaking up: “I secretly thought that he could bear everything”
Breaking up: “A friend opened my eyes”

Valérie Rodrigue

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