15 Quotes to put joy in your life

15 quotes on joy

Moodiness, chronic fatigue, pessimism… Need to put a little joy in your day? Discover the top quotes that will help you see life in pink.

There are days when, without explanation, you have the moral downsides. You only see negativity and do not get to see things positively. Yet we know, there is an embarrassment of happiness in women. Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA), a protein coding gene related to behavioural disorders, was discovered by scientists at the University of South Florida in 2012. In addition, it has no excuse since it has an effect on the fairer sex; on the men’s side, it would rather tend to make them aggressive.

Physiologically, you have everything to be happy; there are plenty more that convince you. For this, nothing better than the lighting of great thinkers and writers. You will see that they will successfully guide you and inspire you in just a few words. The principles learned to successfully see life in pink? Be accepting, cultivate friendship, gratitude and kindness, marvel small daily pleasures… Now it’s your turn!

Discover 15 quotes above that can fill you with joy.

Clara Crochemore and Nur Syazana H.

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Marie France Asia, women's magazine