Does stress cause breathing difficulties?

updated the 14 July 2015 à 18:31

What if people did not treat their breathing problem, assuming instead it was an emotional reaction?


60% biological and 40% psychological

Asthma is the most prevalent of the respiratory inflammatory diseases, affecting millions of people in the world. But the figures are still underestimated due to under-diagnosis; in fact, numerous asthmatics either don’t realise they have the condition or are in denial about it.

It is not psychosomatic…

“The respiratory disorders are not all in the head,” observes Pierrick Hordé, allergist. Asthma causes chronic coughing, whistling and breathlessness; a biological reality that has multiple origins. The atopic concerns about 90% of asthmatic children and approximately 50% of adults; however, there are numerous intervening factors: smoking, cold and dry air, atmospheric and domestic pollution and viral infections.

It is psychosomatic…

“A violent emotion, a conflict or the stress can activate a crisis in susceptible people,” underlines Pierrick Hordé. The mind influences the body, even if the psychic component appears tenuous: “a person allergic to pollen can activate an asthma crisis at the movie theatre just by viewing a scene set in a meadow!”

Stress can also cause a contraction of the bronchial muscles in asthmatics by 20 to 30%. It decreases their resistance to infection, which is a worsening factor of the disease. Yet, asthma is a particularly alarming disease: “the fear of not breathing anymore and of suffocating worsens the anxiety and maintains the bronchial cramp, thereby creating a vicious circle,” notes Dr Hordé.

What to do?

Beyond the symptoms, assessing the patient’s anxiety level is essential. It is necessary to reassure them, win their trust and explain that this complex disease responds well to treatment. This is important as some patients have difficulty accepting their chronic disease and following an anti-inflammatory treatment over time. Besides the placebo effect, which is not insignificant, and the listening skill of the doctor, “physical activity – walking for 30 minutes, three times a week – is an excellent natural anxiolytic and a way to alleviate stress,” assures Pierrick Hordé. Just like yoga and massages.

Stéphanie Torre

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