Beauty 101: The right way to layer your skincare products

updated the 23 November 2016 à 10:34

Beauty oil, serums, sunscreen, toners – wondering which skincare step comes first? Fret not, we’ve got your skincare answers covered!

Toners, cleansers, serums, oils, moisturisers, sunscreen… you name it. Even if your beauty regimen isn’t a rigorous multi-step situation, it is likely that you’re still using more than one product in your routine! However, if you’re wondering which product comes first – toners or serums, sunscreen or moisturizers – you’re not alone.

Layering your skincare products in the right sequence is important; applying it in the wrong order might only end up negating any of the skincare benefits you hope to reap. But – what is the right way to layer them? Fret not; follow these steps in your skincare routine and you’ll find that your skin has never looked more supple, healthy and glowy.

1. Toner or Essence

Toners are applied after cleansing or exfoliating the face to replenish your skin with what cleansers rinse away. An effective toner (or essence) quickly and efficiently delivers generous amounts of antioxidants, soothing agents and hydration to your skin, and also removes any last traces of makeup your cleanser might not have gotten to.

The general rule of thumb is to apply your skincare with the thinnest or most water-like consistency first, like your toners or facial essences. This allows the thin fluid to penetrate deeply into the skin and preps it for the following steps. Moist skin is also more permeable, which means that your skin will absorb skincare benefits from the products better.

2. Serum

Apply your serums after cleansing and toning but before moisturising. Serums are packed with strong ingredients that can really change your skin; as such, it’s best to apply them as early as possible so that your skin can directly absorb as much of the product as possible. Made of smaller molecules, serums are able to penetrate deeply into the skin and deliver a high concentration of active ingredients, making them a great product for targeting specific skincare concerns, like wrinkles and pigmentation. Not only that, serums also improve your skin’s ability to absorb your moisturisers.

3. Moisturisers and Eye Creams

When applied over your serum, moisturisers and eye creams are better absorbed into the skin, allowing your skin to fully benefit from them. Depending on your skin type (dry, combination or oily), you can opt for moisturisers with different consistencies. Some people might prefer a more lightweight moisturiser in the form of a hydrating lotion or gel, or a heavier cream. If your skin is particularly dry, you can apply a lotion followed by your moisturising cream.

4. Oil

Your facial oil acts as a ‘sealant’ to your skincare, locking in the moisture and skincare benefits from your serums, lotions and creams. Do not apply your oil before any of your serums or moisturisers; this will prevent any of the skincare benefits from your products from penetrating the skin with the oil layer beneath it.

6. SPF

Sunscreen should always be applied last. It forms an even film on top of your skin (and all your layered skincare beneath) to protect your skin from the sun. If you put anything other than makeup on top of your sunscreen, you may disrupt the film of protection and break it up only for the sun rays to penetrate.

7. Lastly, makeup

While most people immediately jump from skincare to their makeup application, try not to. Give your skin a few minutes to settle and absorb the skincare (and also for some of the extra moisture to evaporate) before applying your makeup.

And there you have it – the right way to layer your different skincare products both in your morning or evening routine!

Sarah Khan

Photo: Getty Images

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