Film To Reality: 10 Places in the world Game of Thrones fans need to visit

In the mystical world of the Seven Kingdoms, much of it remains a fantasy, except for those glorious locations.

King's Landing (Dubrovnik, Croatia)

Even if you’re not usually one to chase after the fantasy genre when it comes to books or films, chances are that the highly-acclaimed television series Game of Thrones has got you hooked. Perhaps you were lured into the hype by your friends who all happen to be fans of the show, or maybe you discovered it on your own, amazed by the intense and captivating storyline. The reason for your fandom does not matter. What matters is that we all share a common interest, which we could go on for days talking about.

Instead of discussing the intricacies of the series and the fan theories that have arisen after the final episode of Season 6, let’s talk about something a little more… relaxing. Have you ever wished you were part of the GoT world? Well, now’s your chance. In our gallery are 10 of the most significant filming locations featured in the show, which we think make for a wonderful getaway if you’re already thinking of travelling. Browse through the photos and get ready to plan your next trip!

Dione Chen

Photos: Getty Images

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