Beauty Express: 10 Products that streamline morning routines


These products will help you whiz through the AM routine so you won’t have to worry about hitting the snooze button.

No matter how many years of experience we have, it seems like we’re perpetually rushing out the door with mismatched eyeliners. Saving a few seconds here and there can make a big difference when you’re rushing to get ready in the morning. 

If you often find yourself with only few minutes to spare in the morning, try having a few multitasking beauty products on hand. You might even have some lying around, like a tinted lip balm that not only adds colour to your lips, but your cheeks as well.

Choosing your products wisely is vital. Opt for cream rather than powder eyeshadows, as the former usually has a slight sheen that adds definition without needing to blend a few colours with a brush.

To simplify your skincare routine, invest in a tinted moisturiser with sun protection, that way you’ll be able to get a multitude of benefits with only a few seconds.

Keep your eyes peeled and your mind open for products that have multiple uses and you will be strolling, instead or running out the door. If you need ideas you can always check out our galley for a list of recommended products.

Amanda Lim


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