Holiday photos: “I create a photo album of my holiday”

updated the 14 July 2015 à 18:34

Sandrine, 31, regularly compiles family memories into a beautiful album. Our psychotherapist, Christine Ulivucci decodes her action.

famille photo



“I always take many photos on holidays and I have doubled the amount since the birth of my daughters. Either they pose by playing models, or I take them in a spontaneous way. I do not like being photographed, I have to be, without exaggerating, in just one out of 200 photos! I am not photogenic and, if I don’t take a photo, it’s my spouse who will take it… I make albums on holidays, I register the date, the place, comments and, anecdotes next to the photos… things that otherwise we should have forgotten in twenty years. I like to go through them, alone or with my family. My daughters want to see the photos immediately to express their opinion and choose those they want to keep.”

THE expert’s OPINION – “KEEPing AND Transmitting THE FAMILY MEMORY”

“Sandrine chooses to take on the role of guardian of the memory of the family. She takes photos to remember, to record joyful moments, to make beautiful portraits. She testifies to a real desire to list, but also to transmit by adding a narrative to photos. Through albums, her daughters can see their inscription in the family, question their place, visualize their evolution and the various stages of their growing up process. But it’s a pity that Sandrine steps aside from being present in the photos. This can be explained by a lack of self-confidence. Indeed, in albums we generally present images of our family that we consider good enough to stage. But, Sandrine sees herself as non- photogenic and seems to plan everything on her two daughters. On the other hand, she gives them the right to inspect the photos, which is essential.”

Read More on our “Photos on Vacation” report:

Holiday photos: “I focus on the details”
Holiday photos: “I often ask others to take pictures of me”
Holiday photos: “I publish my vacation photos on the Internet”
Holiday photos: “I photograph landscapes and monuments”
Holiday photos: “I love capturing scenes of life”
Holiday photos: 5 keys to analyse your shots

Fabienne Broucaret

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